Hello, I'm Sherit (pr. Shir-eet). I'm an artist:
I create wearable art that expresses a woman’s uniqueness with elegance by making luxurious, shimmering, devoré (burnout) velvet that is hand dyed.
The scarves and wraps can be worn with jeans or with a dress for a special occasion. Each piece is one-of-a-kind. The silk in the velvet fabric brings comfort with its softness. The patterns and motifs are inspired by beauty found in nature. The vibrant colors evoke positive moods and their combinations tell a story.
I love layering brush strokes of color on to a flat white surface. I focused on painting as a student at Rhode Island School of Design and found my true love.
As a young artist, I moved to San Francisco and found making and selling crafts at Bay Area street fairs to be a very fun way to earn money to pay rent.
With lovingly made, colorful accessories, I can add a small amount of positive energy to the world. And a sense of peace can be felt in patterns found in the untouched natural world.
I explain more about the process and how its made here.